The Needlecraft group is a joint activity with the Women’s International Club ( Le WIC de Paris), so there are members from both groups. The only “qualifying requirement “ to join is that you bring along some work involving “needles”. This can be any form of sewing, such as patchwork, cross-stitch, embroidery, tapestry work, etc. Knitting or crochet is also welcome as these, of course, also use “needles”.
At various times, members have been making curtains, altering hems on skirts or trousers, making Christmas decorations...or even working on a Portuguese tapestry carpet!
The group meets every Wednesday from 1.30 pm till around 5.00 pm, meeting in each other’s homes. Those who wish to can also finish off the day with a gin and tonic. This is a friendly group, keen to welcome new members.
If you would like to join this group, please get in touch with the group leader, whose details can be found in the Monthly Newsletter.